Sapphire Blue



Saturday, April 10, 2010

More Information on Super Junior’s 4th Album

These news are from sources that I consider relatively reliable, but hey, things can change and this might not be factual so don’t sue me over this, haha.

1. It’d be released on May

Got this from the interview they had with Leeteuk. What about Siwon’s acting career, you might ask, but hey, I don’t think SM’s the most humane corporation on the face of the Earth.

2. It’s going to be HOT ;)

So the concept is very likely to be sexy. Kind of like “sexy vampires.” Someone please kill this whole Twilight craze. I’m not against the guys toning up a bit, but fucking vampires? That’s just overused, not to mention unoriginal. But hey, I’ve got no problem with Yesung putting on some creepy guyliner and taking his jacket off;)

3. Kibum’s not promoting

I really have no information on Hangeng’s lawsuit as of now, but I’m guessing that SM’s not going to let go of him this soon. However, judging from the preview of the Sohu interview, it seems to me as if he really wants to terminate his contract with SME and pursue an acting career in China instead. I have no information on whether Kangin will be promoting or not either. But anyways, it’s not likely that Kibum will be promoting the 4th album. This is NOT a confirmed fact, so don’t fret over it. Nobody really knows.

And no, Henry and Zhou Mi will not be promoting.